Stevie Johnson

Stevie Johnson

Managing Director, Disrupt

Stevie Johnson is a leading voice in influencer marketing and social media. Currently, Managing Director of influencer marketing agency Disrupt, Stevie’s first experience with influencer marketing was a personal one. A Bafta-winning Made in Chelsea star for 7 series, Stevie was hugely popular and built a large fanbase. At that time, Stevie’s first-hand experience and background in Marketing and Business meant he was one of the first marketers with this unique perspective. Since then, he used it to connect brands, influencers, and their audiences authentically. Stevie has worked with brands such as Disney, Bose, Ford, Peroni, Huel, Puma, and Vinted to activate their influencer campaigns and build out successful influencer marketing strategies. And at Disrupt, Stevie is showing how effective influence marketing can be at the heart of marketing strategy, as he continues to ‘influence from the inside’.

Stevie is speaking on:

Chairs Welcome and Opening Comments
The Role of AI in the Creator Economy